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Fakultät für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft

Lehrstuhl für Romanische Literaturwissenschaft und Komparatistik unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Afrikas – Professor Dr. Ute Fendler

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  • 06/2023 - International Conference in Collaboration with Prof. Sylvère Mbondobari: Université de Bordaux Montaigne, Université de Bayreuth, Université Lausanne (Université Bordeaux Montaigne 21-23 juin 2023): Utopies Africaines et Afrodystopie: Représentations littéraires, médiatiques et culturelles

  • 11/2022 - International Conference: Biographies of the Liberation: Life Writing in Transversal Perspectives. Maputo, Mozambique (University Eduardo Mondlane; Ute Fendler/Livio Sansone)
  • 11/2022 - Black Atlantic Revisited - African and South American Unesco-World Heritage Sites and "Shadowed Spaces" of Performative Memory. University of Bayreuth (Gilbert Shang Ndi)
  • 10/2022 - International Conference at the University of Mauritius: Naviguer le tout-monde de l'Océan Indien: poétiques relationnelles entre écritures et arts visuels (University of Mauritius/Mahatma Ghandi Insitute for Fine Arts)

  • 09/2022- Point Sud Workshop: L'Afrique à l'ère du renouveau: nouvelles formes d'expression linguistiques, culturelles et politiques des mouvements citoyens (LASDEL, Niamey)

  • 07/2022 - Annual Cluster Conference: Medialities (Bayreuth)

  • 06/2022 - Slave Trade Memories at the Crossroads of Literature, Performance and History. International Workshop at the University of Bayreuth (Ute Fendler/Gilbert Shang Ndi

  • 04/2022 - L'Atlantique noire revisité: espaces occultés and (in)visibles de la mémoire performative. Dakar, UCAD (Ute Fendler/Gilbert Shang Ndi/Thierry Boudjekeu

  • 11/2021 - Intermedial Indian Ocean. International Workshop at the University of Bayreuth (Ute Fendler/Clarissa Vierke)

  • 11/2019 – Co-Organization with Center of African Studies at UCT: “Land Question in Africa and African Studies”

  • 06/2016 – International Conference, Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies: “Future Africa and Beyond – Review and Outlook”

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Univ.Prof.Dr. Ute Fendler

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