Here you find the archive of the Romantistic Chair which contributes to the profile of the University of Bayreuth as an important centre of African Studies in line with our relational perspective and the co-production of knowledges.

Digital Literature Festival
“Care, Responsibility and Solidarity:
Narrating Resistance in Arts, Academia and Activism”
As a spinoff of the AMC-Literature Festival, this digital workshop intends to feature very recent visual and verbal narrations from Africa and African-diasporic experiences about Covid-19 and respective challenges with respect to care and solidarity. ...more

Afrikanische Konzeptionen von Europa
From May 24 - 26, 2011, the Bayreuth "BIGSAS Festival of African and African-Diasporic Literatures" will take place for the first time. It invites you to experience the worlds of words between a book spine and internet, prose and poetry, reading and performance as well as music and politics, which connect artists from Harare and Berlin, London and Ibadan, Djibouti and Paris, Yaoundé and Bayreuth. This year the festival will be titled "African Conceptions of Europe". ...more