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Faculty of Languages & Literatures

Chair of Romance & Comparative Literature - Prof. Dr. Ute Fendler

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General Links

France on historicum.net

historicum.net is a portal for the historical sciences and also a publication platform for the Association of History Didacticians of Germany e.V. The portal is aimed at (teaching) students in the first and intermediate semesters as well as teachers and (junior) researchers of both disciplines and a broader public who are interested in history. ...more

Foreign Office

The Federal Foreign Office represents Germany's interests in the world, promotes international exchange and offers protection and assistance to Germans abroad. ...more


The DAAD is the world’s largest funding organisation for the international exchange of students and researchers. Find out more about who we are and what we stand for. Since it was founded in 1925, around 2.6 million scholars in Germany and abroad have received DAAD funding. It is a registered association and its members are German institutions of higher education and student bodies. ...more


The Pedagogical Exchange Service (PAD) is a department within the Secretariat of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany, based in Bonn. The PAD is the only state institution in Germany working on behalf of the Länder for international exchange and cooperation in the school sector. ...more

Goethe Institute

The Goethe-Institut is the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany with a global reach. We promote knowledge of the German language abroad and foster international cultural cooperation.


German-French Youth Office

The Franco-German Youth Office or FGYO is an international organisation is dedicated to the German-French cooperation and is located in Paris, Berlin and Saarbrücken. The founding of the FGYO goes back to the Franco-German friendship agreement, the “Elysée Treaty” of 1963. Its mission is to strengthen ties between German and French youth and to deepen their understanding about one another. ...more

The German Romance Association (DRV)

With over 1100 members, the German Romance Studies Association (DRV) is the largest academic association of Romance studies in the German-speaking world. Founded in 1953, the association represents the interests of Romance studies researchers and teachers, advocates for the presence of Romance languages at universities, and mediates contacts within the network of Romance studies scholars as well as to politics and the media. ...more

German Hispanic Association

Since its foundation, the DHV has represented the interests of Hispanists working at German universities and other institutions of higher education in the German-speaking world. We promote scientific exchange, international contact and subject-related communication in the broad and expanding field of Hispanic linguistics, cultural studies and literature. ...more

MLA | Modern Language Association

Founded in 1883, the Modern Language Association of America provides opportunities for its members to share their scholarly findings and teaching experiences with colleagues and to discuss trends in the academy. MLA members host an annual convention and other meetings, work with related organizations, and sustain one of the finest publishing programs in the humanities. ...more

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