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Faculty of Languages & Literatures

Chair of Romance & Comparative Literature - Prof. Dr. Ute Fendler

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Application: Master’s Degree in Francophone Studies

Thank you for your interest in our new Master's programme "Francophone Studies: Africa Multiple", which officially starts in the winter semester (October 2022).

In addition to a solid training in the languages and literatures of Africa and the Diaspora, this Master's degree offers you specialisations in various fields of cultural life:

  • History and organisation of festivals
  • Intercultural communication
  • Digital Humanities

To get a better idea of our programme, please see the attached module plan under material and also our website.

For information on how to apply, please contact the Masterbüro of the University of Bayreuth.

Information on the application process

You can find the information in the following addresses:

Application deadlines

Please note that registration for the Master's programme will take place once a year for the winter semester only. For international students, registration is open from 15 April to 15 July for the winter semester of each academic year.

Apply online!

You have to send your application online via the CAMPUSOnline portal. You will find a document explaining the procedure at this addres. On CAMPUSOnline you can change the language (DE/ENG) to proceed with your registration.


The selection procedure for candidates will be based on academic records and an online interview (via ZOOM or other). The deadline for submitting the online documents is 15 July. Interviews will take place after this date.

If you have any further questions about the Master in French-speaking Studies: Multiple Africas, please contact the moderators, Prof. Dr. Ute Fendler and Dr. Maroua El Naggare at the following e-mail address: MARomanistik@uni-bayreuth.de.

Yours sincerely,
The teaching team

Webmaster: Farzam Abrishami

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